Founded by Pooja Agrawal to facilitate secure and simple trademarks availability.
Fikarfree are here to make you fikar free for your brand name , now you can sell or buy any listed registered trademark on this portal.
Strict Seller Ownership Verification
Fikarfree uses a strict verification process to confirm that every trademark listed on our marketplace is owned by the person who listed it on our marketplace.
The most common method involves contacting the IPIndia’s listed correspondent for the trademark registration and confirming that the owner actually applied to list their trademark on Fikarfree.
Validated and Appraised Indian Trademark Registrations
Fikarfree reviews every trademark listing to ensure that it is a live, registered trademark in good standing with the IPIndia.
Funds Held Securely in Escrow
Fikarfree holds the buyer’s funds in escrow while the transaction is in process. Fikarfree doesn’t release the funds to the seller until the buyer legally owns the trademark.
Valid Trademark Assignment Agreement Drafted and Executed
Fikarfree doesn’t leave it up to the buyer and seller to figure out their contract. As soon as the purchase is initiated by the buyer, Fikarfree drafts a valid trademark assignment agreement that will be sent to both parties for signature. This assignment agreement will be legal, binding, and ready for submission to IPIndia.