Become a Fikarfree Partner

Every Trademark Attorney / Advocates / Agent / Consultant are our partners.

Earn money by linking customers on Fikarfree Marketplace and earn on sell made to the person you referred. 

Fikarfree Partner Notes

  1. You will be our verified registered Partner for Fikarfree marketplace.
  2. Fikarfree partner’s Commission Slab-
15000 – 2000003000 + 8% of amount exceeding  Rs 15,000Sale Value: Rs 70,000
Commission: Rs 3,000 +
(₹70,000 – Rs 15,000) × 8% =
Final Commission Rs 7,400
200001 & Above17,750 + 5% of amount exceeding Rs 2,00,000Sale Value: Rs 8,50,000
Commission: Rs 17,750 +
(Rs 8,50,000 – ₹2,00,000) × 5% =
Final Commission Rs 50,250

Fikarfree Partner Rules

  1. For trademark registration sells, you get paid after the deal is finalized along with signing of agreement by both parties  and the seller gets paid.
  2. You will receive a payout on every successful referral sells.
  3. If a purchase is refunded, you do not receive a commission.