Every Trademark Attorney / Advocates / Agent / Consultant are our partners.
Earn money by linking customers on Fikarfree Marketplace and get 25% of Fikarfree’s share of any sell made to the person you referred.
Fikarfree Partner Notes
- You will be our verified registered Partner for Fikarfree marketplace.
- You get 25% of Fikarfree’s share of a sell. Example – Sell Amount Rs. 50000.00, Fikarfree Share(9%) Rs. 4500.00 Then Partners Share will be Rs. 1125.00 (25% of Rs. 4500.00)
Fikarfree Partner Rules
- For trademark registration sells, you get paid after the deal is finalized along with signing of agreement by both parties and the seller gets paid.
- You will receive a payout on every successful referral sells.
- If a purchase is refunded, you do not receive a commission.